Most people wouldn’t sell money to make money, nor would they have thought that a gift from their father could start a lifelong hobby and business.

“I mostly make money when it’s a coin I have bought with the purpose of reselling,” says Renshaw Morgan, a freelance worker who takes up many jobs to earn cash in California. The work that earns him the most income is coin collecting.

“But I tend to sell stuff to free up funds to buy things I want for myself or to trade as well, so making a profit is not the sole or even the primary focus of why I sell coins.”

Renshaw, 22, has always had a passion for collecting coins since he was younger. You can thank his father for introducing him to the hobby.

“I got some coins from my dad years and years ago and through the process of looking them up to find more info on them I got interested in other coins I saw while researching what I had,” Renshaw says. “I ended up branching out from there to finding things at the swap meet besides coins I could buy and resell, which helped build my collecting budget.”

One aspect he especially enjoys about collecting coins is learning and sharing history with his friends and Instagram followers. He also is active on Reddit.

“Through looking up certain countries and particular rulers I have learned lots of things that I have not heard of or seen in any history book or historical channel television show I’ve watched before collecting coins.”

Renshaw’s friend, Harrison, also has a passion for collecting coins.

“Ren and I have done business together for a long time now,” Harrison says. “I have nothing but respect for him. He has a good knowledge of the coins he is selling and always offers fair prices. I will happily do business with him again.”

Some hobbies come and go while some are here to stay with a person their entire life. Renshaw hopes to continue this hobby for his entire life.

 “I have had it for six or seven years and I don’t have any less interest in it than I did at the start,” Renshaw says. “If anything, my interest has grown as I learn more and find more areas I want to collect and research.”

A new hobby can be hard to get into without any guidance or upfront knowledge on the subject itself. Renshaw has some advice for new or novice collectors.

“If you can find someone or a shop locally you can go to and talk to someone more experienced than yourself to get some advice on things you’re not sure about. Also, don’t be afraid of making mistakes, they can be good learning opportunities and can help you learn what you want out of the hobby and making deals in the future if you decide to take more of a business approach with it.”

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